
Cloning and construction of an NOR expression plasmid

  • Using a G.stearothermophilus genomic DNA, amplified it by PCR and cloned it into a vector.
  • The cloned qNOR gene was sequenced, and a DNA fragment encoding the ORF of qNOR was amplified by PCR and then ligated between.
Purification of recombinant qNOR
  • The E.coli strain Rosetta3 was induced to express the recombinant enzyme, qNOR.
  • The purified protein was formed through many steps of centrifugation and concentrations, and was stored at -80°C.
 Crystallization, data collection and structure determination
·         Recombinant qNOR was crystallised using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method.

                                         Diagram of the sitting drop vapour-diffusion method·      
      The crystals of HQNO-qNOR were obtained by co-crystallising the enzyme in the presence of HQNO, following the same crystallisation method as for the recombinant enzyme.
  • Crystals were cryoprotected in buffer.
  • Initial phases were calculated by the MAD method using SHARP and SOLOMON.
  • Model building was carried out by COOT.
  • A Ramachandran analysis was carried out

Enzymatic activity measurements
·         NOR activity was assayed using a Clark-type electrode.
o   The clark electrode is an electrode that measures oxygen on a catalytic platinum surface using the net reaction.

Molecular dynamics simulation
·         The molecular dynamics simulation was carried out in NAMD.

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